Thursday, July 8, 2010


Oh, darn. So much for clairvoyance.
I had my fingers crossed for the speaker of the house, but the PM ignored my advice and chose David Johnston for Governor General instead!
I'll get over it.

Our roof is done, our roof is done. Somehow they managed to squeeze it in between storms, bless them. Maybe we'll stay dry now! Best of luck to everyone else coping with water, especially with flooded basements and swamped fields.
I wonder if Saskatchewan farmers have ever seeded fewer acres, at least since the Depression? At least 12 million acres are reportedly under water, about a third of the usually-planted acreage.
This is going to be a simplistic estimate...but if you multiply that by $5 per bushel of wheat times, say, 40 bushels per acre ($200), that's $2.4 billion -- a ridiculous amount of money coming out of the farm economy. And other crops like canola often bring more, so this could be conservative. Meanwhile, farmers still have to pay for their inputs. It's mind boggling.
Considering the average farm only brings in $17,000 to $22,000, depending on where it is and which figures you use, this could be a tragic year for agriculture.
For those who do have crops in the ground, if we get some warmth and the frost holds off, there could be some amazing yields. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Mother Nature throws us a bone.

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